Sunday, May 10, 2015

Five questions to ask yourself

It has been a long time since we have blogged. Over the weekend I watched a movie where a girl starts her own blog and I thought now is a good time to start back into it again... So here we go!

I was reading this month's Shape Magazine and there was an article about the five key questions to ask yourself. 

1. How would I want people to describe me?
Upbeat, loving, empathetic and kind. 

2. What legacy do I hope to leave?
This is an easy question! Ken and I always joke about the kind of grandparents we will be. We always say we want to be grandparents which is so funny but if you knew Kenny you would know he is a grandpa trapped in a younger man's body. I would love to leave a legacy of many children and even more grandchildren. As an only child I don't have much history or family. I would love to leave a legacy as a great matriarch for the family. 
3. What makes me feel happiest or the most fulfilled?
This is a tougher question. I like when Ken and I are "in the moment" enjoying the exact present moment. This weekend we did a lot of yard work beautifying and personalizing our space. 
 The weekend ended with us just being "in the moment" enjoying the view. I would say that is when I feel the happiest and most fulfilled.
4. Why do these things matter?
They matter because it is what I choose to do with myself, the impact (hopefully as positive as possible) I make on this earth. These things are always mine. Things no one else can duplicate or take. They are what I love the most.
5. How do I define success?
Immediately when I think of success I think of work. My mom is such a great example of hard work and providing for your family. As much as I hate to admit it, she passed that to me. I take a lot of pride in what I do at work as it impacts anyone who takes our medicines. Success in the workplace is defined by the company reaching its goals as a whole more so than the success of one individual.
However, I realize there is a lot more to life than work. Success in life is the "little moments", that is something my husband has taught me. Those are the things I don't have pictures of, or souvenirs from, they are the things heap happiness in my heart and make my soul sing. 


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